Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Log - 8/6/2012

Great day

Warmup - As usual

OHS - 45, 65. Tried 85, failed immediately.

Squat - 95, 135, 185, 225
275lbs - 5x5
Got Deng and Pete to cue me on these. Excellent results ensued. Hitting 315. It looks like I'll actually have it the day before my birthday. Sweet.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
167.5lbs - I don't remember. Something like 5, 4, 4, 5, 2
These are getting progressively less paused. That said, it seems like a lot of people are finding that TnG carries over fairly well to paused but not as much in the other direction, so maybe I should be less anal about this. Whatever.

Today's chins are brought to you by the numbers "4." 58 total, would have been 60 but I did a couple of triples. Had a weird pull in the front of my neck; deal with it by angling my eyes up a bit higher during later sets. For some reason this helped despite a total lack of conscious changes in head position.

FatGripz Rack Pull:
132.5lbs - 5x5
Volume day. Wednesday is 2x5 at 110, Friday will be working up to 1x5 at 147.5.

Front Squat Hold:
315lbs - 5x15ct
Ok, these are challenging now.
320 next time.