Sunday, March 20, 2016

Restart Program

I liked the 2015 spring programs (previous iron post) but for now I want to rebuild basic capabilities again first. Probably switch to a 4/week program in a few months to add some variety and make it easier to build in shoulder rehab/prehab work.

Current conception: Alternating days

Squat 5x3 (start 135) - pause final rep for breathing
Bench 5x3 (start 105)
Row 8x3 (start with TRX?)
Curl 8*x3 (start with 10s)
Face Pull 10x3
May do the paused reps towards the end of the workout (on the way out, even). That "50 paused reps" idea could be a fun thing every so often.

Deadlift 5x3 (start 165)
Press 5x3 (start 75)
Pulldown/Pullup 8x3 (start 60)
Face Pull 10x3
Turkish Getup 5*x3
Similar concept with a paused dead right off the floor - much like that ultra-slow dead reps idea for building core strength from Rob ____ or whatever his name was.

Will have to go back and review that old Cressey article about balancing rotation etc. - going to be doing a lot of push-ups on the side and need to keep hammering shoulder health.

3/20/2016 - Dead and Press

Decided on a conventional alternating 3/week scheme for the beginning. Probably throwing in some cardio on off days, likely rowing the day before squats and cycling the day before deads. Or...something.

Probably moving to Mission Bay in the next week, in which case that $700 2yr membership to 24 will only be useful if I get staffed on a traveling project near a 24. Otherwise the money could have gone towards shoes (or...anything? But probably shoes).

Warmup -
Bat Wing - 8, 2.5s
Diesel - 3-5 with 2.5s (varying by movement)
Bridges - no band

So next time, take the band, grab/take a roller, and do stuff in the right sequence.

Deadlift -
Gotta keep tension in lats and while on the floor - "pretend it's the RSF" (and their shitty plates).

Press -
Didn't bring the Oly shoes; other thing for next time.
Generally feeling ok, but need to work on right shoulder.

Pulldown -
The seat's too high, so I can't really do the "deadhang" here.
Probably best to alternate these with actual chins day by day. May revise that based on amount of climbing I wind up doing (speaking of which, I'm probably starting to climb a bit).

Face Pull -
Kind of/possibly. I seriously doubt that was actually 20lbs.

Turkish Getup -
I feel like it'd be easiest to just denote "ea" with an asterisk. Let's do that.
Yeah, I only did one set.
Relearning the movement.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

3/15/2016 - Squat

No real warmup - arm circles and some overhead squats

Squat -
This was unwholesomely hard. Thinking I'll do a 4-a-week schedule if I start with these weights. May be worth starting out lower since recovery'll be inhibited by work stuff.
Did an extra rep on the last set for a breathing pause.
Hip "crunching" and all that jazz from the dysfunction I picked up last summer; will gradually resolve (possibly with PT help).

Pull-Ups -
3, 2, 1
Didn't get full range, but not too bad considering I haven't done them in almost a year.

TRX Row -
Focus on scap retraction.