Thursday, June 26, 2014

2014-06-26 Front Squat

Warmup - just Diesel

Front Squat -
I'm unhappy about how hard these were.
Also unhappy about the rack-type things they have set up. It's one of those 2-d smith machines; I can get a bar in, but only just.

PShoulder Rolling
Shoulder Taps

Push-Up -
10, 12, 8, 8, 13

HS Plank - 5x10/10

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2014-06-24 Snatch-Grip Dead

Strapped up immediately. China is not a good place for sticky bars.

Snatch Grip Dead -
60kg - 5
70kg - 5
80kg - 5
90kg - 5
105kg - 5x3

Armbar, Farmer Carry

Push-Up - 60sec rest
10, 12, 7, 7, 11

Shoulder Tap
HS Plank, 3x10/10

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2014-06-01 SPF States Meet

I didn't sleep well for the days leading up to the cut and the meet, partly from staying up with a girl and then scrambling to reach my PT appointments. I went low-carb the week leading in, and somehow got sick as well. This resulted in my starting the hot baths while already feeling like crap. The feeling went from unpleasant to outright dangerous (felt like I was going to pass out every time I got out of the tub) so I called it off and weighed in around 170lbs after a lot of food Friday night and Saturday morning.

Sunday's flights went Women - Men Light - Med Middle - Men Heavy, so I had more time to warm up than usual. I ran roughly the same warmup I do during workouts; I think this worked out, actually. I did need to roll somewhat more than previously to get every loosened up and feeling healthy.

When I hit my 315 warmup single on the squat, the guy helping me with the weights told me it was probably time to cut it, so I asked Cara to drop my opener to 350 (originally set 365). When I took that out I stepped very far back (as usual) and got words from both Cara and the back spot to stay closer to the rack. That kept working for the 2nd attempt (mid-380s) but on the third I completely fucked up:
1) I forgot to cinch my belt, so I had to interrupt setting up to fix it
2) I somehow decided to take a much closer stance than I was used to
3) As I started the descent and realized #2 I immediately though "You're going to fail this" and jinxed it
So that failed immediately.

The bench went a lot better. I did some hard-style planking and shoulder taps before setting down on the bench and actually warming up. Everything felt a lot more stable (probably due to bench quality) and "healthy." 175 flew up, 185 felt really good, and the 195 opener went fast (too fast - I didn't pause long enough). 215 also went pretty well so I decided to push to 230 (...or 231, or whatever) for #3. That was probably the most satisfying bench rep of my life - I shouted "up" at least twice and did a victorious air-fist after I locked it out. I see this as a sign that shoulder stability and slingshot work both do a lot here. It doesn't feel like I broke a huge wall, but it's still the end of a major plateau.

Warming up for deads felt pretty bad. The bar stuck to my thighs until I added some of Saarni's ~baby powder, and everything generally felt heavier and slower than it should have. I got to 355 and decided to drop my opener to 385 (originally set for around 420). The attempts themselves were very solid, and I left a lot on the platform, but I felt like my head was going to explode after each one so I'm satisfied. I did 413.5 as my second (tying third from last year but looking drastically better) and roughly 435 for the third, since that was the lowest that would get me a 1050 total. I easily had over 450 in me, but, again, I just wasn't feeling it on anything other than the bench.

I also had to borrow Saarni's belt for the deads because my waist had expanded so much that I couldn't get air while my lever was closed. I figured out why around 2am when I vomited up basically everything I ate the entire day - it looks like it all just sat in my stomach while the food from Saturday went through.

Full Video (1050lb Total at 170)

Squat 1 (~350lbs)
Squat 2 (~385lbs)
Squat 3 (~413lbs)

Bench 1 (~195lbs)
Bench 2 (~215lbs)
Bench 3 (~231lbs)

Dead 1 (~385lbs)
Dead 2 (~413lbs)
Dead 3 (~436lbs)

Programming-wise -
1) My next run will be front squats and snatch-grip deads, with push-ups until I can get 50 good reps (see previous). That's in conjunction with my PT stability exercises, many of which now involve the push-up position. I'm going to keep doing slingshot work, but probably not while I'm in China.
2) I'm going to either learn how to squat out of a monolift or keep my walkout more symmetrical and closer to the rack so I don't screw up my third next time.
3) Lots more ab work.

I'm also going to go back to the 3/week approach for now, since the weights are lighter and it facilitates keeping in a lot of conditioning. China will make it harder to keep my weight low but I should be able to pull it off.

I'm going to work on hip/thoracic mobility and general physical maintenance to help maintain things. I felt like my back was rounding out a lot on my squats.

I'll write up an actual program on Friday after my last PT session (which will probably involve some programming discussion).

I'm going to need more Broz tape.