Monday, March 16, 2020

Bacon 4

Last batch of bacon was quite nice. The one I sous-vided was less tender and marginally less tasty but generally good; the uncooked one was in some ways nicer but went off fairly quickly, after only a couple of days. Part of this may be attributable to fridge temperature, and it may be possible to use wax paper or something to help preserve them longer.

The big loin one is still curing so no news on that one until this coming weekend. The bacon does, however, only keep for 5-7 days, ergo I need to have a continuous rotation going.

Given the loss of water and my annoyance at the last batch going off so quickly, I'm inclined to overestimate the amounts somewhat on the curing salt. Not sure of the chemistry on the water loss side, though. Easiest solution would probably be wet brining but especially with the fridge being fairly packed right now, I don't think I've really got the space. Also can't entirely trust the containers.

I think I'll overestimate things by 10% and see how that goes.

Two loins from Trader Joe's:

700g Loin
1.9g Curing Salt
19g Kosher Salt

770g Loin:
2.1g Curing Salt
21g Kosher Salt

We'll see how those do.

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