Saturday, April 30, 2016

2016-04-30 Rowing

Warmup -
Diesel 5lbs
Bat Wings 5lbs
Bridges (5 all positions)

Erg - No straps, technical focus
5m @ ~3:00
5m @ ~2:45
5m @ ~3:00
Working on sequencing, recovery phase, etc..This actually makes it go a lot faster; let's stick with it for now. Probably targeting 2:15 for the main portion in the middle.

Ham Roll - ~2m. Origin areas are way tighter.
Lat Roll - ~2m each side - again, probably switch modes
ER Stretch - 1m/corner, left side only. Noticed on the way out that right is now missing ER; doing both sides in future.
Hip flexor roll - ~1m/side
Couch - 2m, both sides both positions. Overhead reach for the end 10-15sec.

2016-04-28 Squat

Diesel - 5lb
BW - 5lb
Bridges - All 4, 5/5sec
ER Smash - Nope

Deadlift -
Speed pulls. Felt pretty good, interested to see how it progresses.

Press -
No microplates. SJ 24 had a shitty 24-style rack in the main space (olympic stuff off to the side - didn't see that until I was on the way out); getting set up was a little harder.
Final set got a little more tiring.
Microplates here now so incrementing slower in future.

Seat too high, but good sets overall.

25lb probably next.

Chest LAX - 2m each side
Lat Roll - 2m each
Overhead Gemini - 5 "up and down" reaches, In future do the crunches thing for lowers and only do the cycles on the upper ones
ER Position - 45sec for each "corner"
Couch - 2m/side (P1 only)

Working on the lat roll approach. Feels like it may be better to do some ball work instead of the foam rolling.

The 24 in North SJ is pretty ridiculous, probably the best gym I've been in besides stuff like Supertraining and Penn's rec center.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

4/26/2016 - Squat and Bench

Fast pace today; hour commute for 8am tomorrow.

Dieselcrew - 5lbs
Bat Wings - 5lbs
Bridges - "Yes"
Didn't do the shoulder smash/etc. I'd planned on (time constraints)

Squat -
No rest until after first work set, then 1 minute.

Bench -
Same rest situation as above. Sets not that hard. Mid grip (halfway to rings - unsure of how this compares to the RSF etc. bars). Feeling very heavily in triceps rather than chest, possibly due to reverting back to old form. Presumably this means either my pecs are disproportionately strong or my technique isn't letting me get the pecs into it.
Shoulder touches between work sets; noticeable difference in stabilizing left vs. right.

Chest Supported Row -
Working on keeping scaps locked down to my back a bit more. Reasonable success here. In future should probably pull out the blast straps, since the idea again is to build back to shoulder health. Body rows and power pulls very important for restoring shoulder

Alt DB Curl -
RE method here, essentially. Figure I should move up once the final set is over 8. 5 sets sounds like a great way to get fucked up like that week early last spring going into the ACN interviews.

Forearm/bicep stretch after that to help prevent said problem. Right ankle still fucked up. Left QL also acting up; that one may call for actual massage.

Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25/2016 - Row

Erg - 10m @ 3:10, damper 3-4

Got some technique work to do here. Presumably 5 minutes of explicit technique work before the rest of the workout. Possibly just do the entire workout with this for the time being. Once basic technique's down, probably switch to maintain a consistent stroke rate. For now this is just basic cardio so not much reason to worry about the overall intensity.

Upper back was dying for a lot of this; not much of a cardio hit at the time. That'll most likely change as speed goes up; for now not looking to make any huge differences.

Lat Roll - 1-2 Minutes each side. Left is actually worse than right.
Piriformis/Glute Min Roll - 1-2 minutes/side
Hurdler Stretch - 2 minutes, left only (Kelly's External Rotation + Flexion #1)
Couch - 2 minutes, position 1 only
Scap Wall Slides - 10

Cressey has two wall slides, one for retraction and depression (already kind of hard) and one for other cuing. These seem like a good addition to a warmup.

4/24/2016 - Deadlift and Press

Climbed on Friday and missed the boat yesterday.

Diesel Shoulder - 5lbs (figured out the DBs are 2.5lbs on each side, so 5lbs total)
Bat Wings - 5lbs
Bridges - 5 each position

Deadlift -
170x5x3, 30-second hold
Got decent lat engagement and technique going here. Speed was good; will focus on this next time since these are basically speed pulls.

Also pretty easy. As with Deads, will try to do these as explosive reps while the weights are light. Progress at +2.5 going forward if I can find the microplates (or get more shipped quickly - probably can).

This one's harder. My right shoulder's probably worse than it was before, so getting the activation etc. was very problematic. Time to get in earlier (this was right at closing) and get stuff fixed up a bit.

Turkish Get-Up:
Go asterisks.
First set was distinct, second was just continuous alternation. The second approach probably makes more sense for time management.
Technique's a concern here - I move differently for the right vs. the left.

There's a Gracie school right up from the gym (makes sense, industrial park). That could be interesting on the weekends later on, or...something. Not having a schedule is kind of a pain. Also the whole horses:ass ratio thing; probably best to focus on health and general athleticism and transition into other things more slowly (similar issue for climbing and sailing; moreso climbing).