Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25/2016 - Row

Erg - 10m @ 3:10, damper 3-4

Got some technique work to do here. Presumably 5 minutes of explicit technique work before the rest of the workout. Possibly just do the entire workout with this for the time being. Once basic technique's down, probably switch to maintain a consistent stroke rate. For now this is just basic cardio so not much reason to worry about the overall intensity.

Upper back was dying for a lot of this; not much of a cardio hit at the time. That'll most likely change as speed goes up; for now not looking to make any huge differences.

Lat Roll - 1-2 Minutes each side. Left is actually worse than right.
Piriformis/Glute Min Roll - 1-2 minutes/side
Hurdler Stretch - 2 minutes, left only (Kelly's External Rotation + Flexion #1)
Couch - 2 minutes, position 1 only
Scap Wall Slides - 10

Cressey has two wall slides, one for retraction and depression (already kind of hard) and one for other cuing. These seem like a good addition to a warmup.

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