Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011-12-20 Press 5s

Start of 5/3/1. Using starting "1" RMs of 135 Press, 225 Bench, 350 Squat, 405 Dead

5-Press Day:

Regular warmup

Press: 45, 45, 65
5x 85, 105
8x 115
Sick and no creatine. And not eating enough. Seriously thought I'd have this for like twice that, but w/e.
Did a couple of chins after the 85 set. Will do more in future. Need to restructure my training log or something. Argh.

BW - 5, 5, 4 (5F)
I think I just found the thing I need to do to make my bench go up. Score.

Like 2
Then 3x5 of assisted pull-ups at -70lbs


In and out in about an hour, pretty nice.
Will work on the chins etc.

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