Saturday, November 26, 2011

2011-11-26 Intensity and Switch

Intensity Day:

Warmup - as usual

Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185, 185, 225, 275, 315
365lbs - 1
405lbs - 2 (3F)
It is what it is.
5/3/1 starts next week. Not sure what day layout I'll use, but the plan is currently:

Press, Dips, Chins, Rollouts, Prehab
Dead, Kroc Row, 45d Hyper, Farmer Holds, Prehab
Bench, Blast Strap Pushup, DB Row, Pallof Press (gay resisted rotation ab exercise), Prehab
Squat, Front Squat, GHR, Rollouts, Prehab

Probably do Bench Squat Press Dead, put the Farmer Holds on Bench Day, and do rollouts on Dead day. Two days of conditioning per week, probably the day after Squat and the day after Dead. I'll start with sled drags and get more creative as I figure shit out.

Based on the video I'm inclined to think I should do GMs in place of Front Squats, too. Might do Box Squats in place of Free Squats for a bit so I can get the hang of sitting back with a neutral neck.

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