Saturday, November 26, 2011


Volume Day:

Squat - 8x2 at 345, easy but very Rippetoe-esque form due to a combination of really forcing the neck packing and being stuck wearing glasses.
DB Row 3x8ea, 70lbs
Rollouts 3x6
Dieselcrew Shoulder Rehab stuff, not noting here because it's in my log
Recovery Day: Skipped DL day to do Chem. E. homework

Squat - 2x3 at 225, focusing on form
Assisted Pullup - 3x8 at 75, 80, 80; it is embarrassing how bad I (still) am at these
Squat - ~10x2-3 at 135, focusing on form. Getting better at avoiding the Rippetoe issue despite looking down. Had an unfortunate run-in with a Korean guy who takes his religion too seriously and wouldn't stop talking about it, which was...distracting.
IIRC I skipped most of the rehab and just did the pull-up retractions. I'm trying to find stuff that hurts and do that, mostly out of laziness.
Skipped lifting today because I woke up late and didn't eat enough. Going for 405x3 tomorrow, and taking a cue from a recent T-Nation article by not allowing myself to get worked up about it. There's time to get excited when I'm in the gym.

Switching to 5/3/1 on Monday. Will post the details of what I'm doing before I re-suspend myself.

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