Saturday, November 26, 2011

2011-11-26 Intensity and Switch

Intensity Day:

Warmup - as usual

Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185, 185, 225, 275, 315
365lbs - 1
405lbs - 2 (3F)
It is what it is.
5/3/1 starts next week. Not sure what day layout I'll use, but the plan is currently:

Press, Dips, Chins, Rollouts, Prehab
Dead, Kroc Row, 45d Hyper, Farmer Holds, Prehab
Bench, Blast Strap Pushup, DB Row, Pallof Press (gay resisted rotation ab exercise), Prehab
Squat, Front Squat, GHR, Rollouts, Prehab

Probably do Bench Squat Press Dead, put the Farmer Holds on Bench Day, and do rollouts on Dead day. Two days of conditioning per week, probably the day after Squat and the day after Dead. I'll start with sled drags and get more creative as I figure shit out.

Based on the video I'm inclined to think I should do GMs in place of Front Squats, too. Might do Box Squats in place of Free Squats for a bit so I can get the hang of sitting back with a neutral neck.


Volume Day:

Squat - 8x2 at 345, easy but very Rippetoe-esque form due to a combination of really forcing the neck packing and being stuck wearing glasses.
DB Row 3x8ea, 70lbs
Rollouts 3x6
Dieselcrew Shoulder Rehab stuff, not noting here because it's in my log
Recovery Day: Skipped DL day to do Chem. E. homework

Squat - 2x3 at 225, focusing on form
Assisted Pullup - 3x8 at 75, 80, 80; it is embarrassing how bad I (still) am at these
Squat - ~10x2-3 at 135, focusing on form. Getting better at avoiding the Rippetoe issue despite looking down. Had an unfortunate run-in with a Korean guy who takes his religion too seriously and wouldn't stop talking about it, which was...distracting.
IIRC I skipped most of the rehab and just did the pull-up retractions. I'm trying to find stuff that hurts and do that, mostly out of laziness.
Skipped lifting today because I woke up late and didn't eat enough. Going for 405x3 tomorrow, and taking a cue from a recent T-Nation article by not allowing myself to get worked up about it. There's time to get excited when I'm in the gym.

Switching to 5/3/1 on Monday. Will post the details of what I'm doing before I re-suspend myself.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Brief Hiatus

Took the week off to focus on exams. Changing priorities in general - starting 5/3/1 either next week or the week after, depending on how much work I get done over the weekend. I'd like to do a last week of TM so I can shoot for a 405x3 squat, but I've realized over the last 2-3 weeks that powerlifting's going to have to stay on the backburner for a while if I want to get the grades and recommendations I want to get. I'll still be competing, though.

Friday, November 11, 2011

2011-11-11 Intensity and Equipment

Warmup (including 45 and 65lb overhead squats)

Squat: 65, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 360 (for 1)
400lbs - 2 (3F), 1
I've got all sorts of excuses for this one. My favorites:
I've been eating pretty terribly for the last few days and had almost nothing to eat today prior to this
All of the new ab work has totally fucked up my core and I had really terrible force transfer to the bar

I'm also still not there mentally and want to know wtf happened after the last time I was able to really transform.

3x5 - 85lbs
Easy enough.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, 405 (for 1)
440lbs - 0
No idea what happened here.
315 was fucking effortless, at least.

Didn't want to risk tearing something

Incline DB Retraction - 3x10, 15lbs
Prone Y - 3x10, weightless, thumb down
Prone Internal Rotation - 3x10. 2.5lbs on the first set, open palm on the other two.

And, yesterday...

A Texas Power Bar arrived on my doorstep while I was at work

...which is odd, since I cancelled my order two weeks ago and got my $332.95 refund a couple of days after that

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2011-11-09 Recovery

Warmup - As usual, plus OH Squat of 65 after the 45

Front Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185
3x3 - 235lbs
Easy enough.

Assisted Pull-Up:
3x8 - 80lbs assistance
Easy enough.

Working up here. I intend to have it at 5x10 with 1 minute rests or something before I start adding weight.

Pull-Up Retraction: 3x10
Overhead Shrug: 3x10, empty bar
Push-Up Plus: 3x10 (sans the actual push-up part)
Posterior Capsule Stretch: 3x6ea

And one set of prone internal rotations. Giving my subscapularis a bit of a rest and seeing how that goes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2011-11-08 Speed

Warmup - Usual

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275
275lbs - 10x1
Still working on back position.
Probably took longer on these than I should have (mostly breaks between the later warmups).

3x8 - 15lbs on face
Increasing next time.

45-Degree Hyper:
3x8 - 80lb DB on chest
Decided that it might be prudent to just slaughter my hamstrings on Tuesdays
Might not be wise, we'll see how it pans out. I consider this partly "Core" stuff as well, though I may take the weight down a bit so I can work on maintaining spinal position.

Farmer Hold:
2x2ea - 80lb, 30sec
2x2ea - 80lb, 30sec
1 Minute between the two.
Grip was screaming at the end of this.

DB Cuban Rotation: 3x10, 10lbs
Band ER: 3x10, mini
Band Pullapart: 3x10, mini
Band Disloc: 3x10, mini
Band BTN Press: 3x10, mini

No PIRs today, more because I forgot to take the band in and had to do it all at home than anything else.

Monday, November 7, 2011

2011-11-07 Volume

(took the last 2 off due to hip, and last Tuesday due to work)

Warmup - Usual

Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315
5x3 - 345lbs
Not great, but still finished without any real risk of missing reps.

3x5 - 82.5lbs

DB Row:
3x8ea - 70lbs
Getting slightly better

The nerve entrapment issue seems to be causing some pain on these. It got better as I did more sets.

DB Protraction - 3x10, 15lbs (really focused on scapular retraction and depression here, which made it feel a lot more like a good bench rep)
DB Retraction - 3x10, 15lbs
Posterior Cap Stretch - 3x~10. Right side now has a lot more ROM than left, lol. Will start doing both (or trying to).
Prone Internal Rotation - 3x10, 5sec hold. Last few on the last set had the muscle actually cramping, which is a good sign.

Went in feeling dejected, non-motivated, etc. - basically wanting to quit. After lifting and talking with other serious guys I feel a lot better.

So uh


Turns out lifting literally makes me happy no matter how terrible my diet and day in general have been

Also, I was craving steak on the way out so I think I'm probably going to rethink the carb-up approach. Maybe just eat more fruit or something, iono.