Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/22/2013 - ME Bench

Warmup - Dieselcrew

Floor Press -
45lbs - 3x5
95lbs - 2x5
135lbs - 1x5
155lbs - 1x3
175lbs - 1x3
185lbs - 1x3
195lbs - 1x3
The last rep with 195 was a really, really slow lockout. This may have been for technical reasons (not sure; might want to get video and check it) but I suspect it has something to do with proportionally weak triceps. This happened with 215 at the meet (exactly the same way - got it to near-lockout inside of 2-3 seconds and then kept trying to hit the last inch or so for another 5-10). I just realized that this might be the place for Wendler's elbow rotation trick (basically rotate your elbow to lock out and thereby avoid the last half-inch or so) - I should focus on this. We'll see, though I suspect it's a good thing I'm putting in CG bench as my alternate for DB Bench in future.
Still working on keeping the right shoulder locked in. I think that scapula still needs a lot of work to get locked down.
Goal for next week is 215.

DB Bench:
60s - 5, 6, 4, 4, 4
Same lockout issue. I lost a lot here just from the ME sets, but still.
Repeating next week, obviously.

Pulldowns -
5x 75, 80, 85, 80, 80
I'm a lot better at pull-ups now, but getting the activation properly on these is still frustrating...sort of. Probably trying 85 again.

Delt Flyes -
10x 10s
4x12x 12s
Did the 4x12 with less focus on the scapula and more on keeping things moving continuously. Might want to up the reps just so I can hit the 45 seconds thing Tate used to do.

DB Protraction - 20x 12, 12, 15
DB Retraction - 20x 12, 12, 15
Alternating Curl - 20x 20, 20, 20 (double rest pause on the third set, last rep had a very long forced negative)

Might add face pulls in on this one as well.

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