Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5/20/2013 - Deadlift

Not dead, just deadlifting.

I'm (mildly) considering putting squats very heavily on the backburner for six months or so and doing backyard as a push-pull (...or probably full power with minimal squatting emphasis, particularly since I should be able to water cut to 148 by then). I probably won't stop squatting completely, but I may at least drop squatting heavy for a while.

No general warmup

Plate Pulls (4x25) -
135 x10
185 x10
225x 5
275x 2 (+3 mixed)
315 x 4 mixed
365 x 6+4 (straps)
315x1 to get it back in the rack
Very happy with this, though my back position was quite suspect on the last few reps of the rest-pause set. I guess we'll get more data tomorrow based on soreness.

Squat -
45 x5
95 x5
135 x5
185 x5
225 x1 (x5)
Variably satisfied. Treating these as introductory technique practice before I go and actually squat heavy on Thursday.

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