Saturday, May 25, 2013

5/25/2013 - Submax Bench

Warmup - Too sore to roll, so I lacrosse balled my left shoulder into submission and then did the shoulder warmup as usual

Bench -
Fairly solid. Focused on explosiveness, leg drive, and pushing myself into the pad (#1 and #3 there were actually somewhat merged - I thought of it as trying to shove myself through the bench).
Still having a hard time locking my shoulders down properly, though.

Press -
Had a very hard time locking out the last rep - my tricep strength really is problematic, it seems.
Also having a difficult time recruiting my left lat during the negative. I can get it when I really focus on it, but then my torso twists - definitely need to work on activation.

Blast Strap Push-Up -
8, 5, 4, 3, 3
Longer rests on the last couple (not entirely intentional but whatever).
Not sure when I'll start adding weight. Maybe when it totals to 50 reps?

Pulldowns -
85x 7, 6, 6, 6, 6
Some of these may have been more, actually - I was focusing very hard on my left lat and less on counting. Very happy, though, and hitting 90 on Wednesday. I suspect this happened because I'm doing fewer pullups at home.

Prone T - 12x5s
Plate Halo - 12x25
The halos aggravated my left triceps tendon so I called it a day.

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