Friday, April 26, 2013

4/26/2013 - Squat Day

First day of the new program.


Squat -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x5)
The 185 and 225 were harder than they should have been; 275 had a fair bit of form deviation and was much harder than it should have been. This is what I get for taking time off.
The last 2 315s were done with Albert's Do-Wins; they change my setup a bit and seriously mess with my walkout, but the effect ultimately seems positive. I'll need to try a few more times before I commit to buying a (better) pair of my own, but I'm leaning that way - particularly since they lock me into the floor completely (to the extent that I can't change my stance after walking out when I have them on).
I'm also fairly set on getting myself checked out for some (possibly custom) orthotics, in which case I'm going to need rather a lot of them (as I'm currently collecting more and more shoes).
In future resting 3-4 minutes - slightly longer than before.

Deadlift -
5x 185 (x3), 225 (x2)
1x 275 (x6)
Played around with stance width, breathing, etc.. Right now it looks like I do best with the outsides of my shoes lined up with the edge of the smooth region, with the bar very slightly past my shoelaces. I need to get some wrestling shoes (or something comparable - ideally I'd like something that roots me to the floor as effectively as the squat shoes do).
It looks like the best order for my setup is stance, 3 Mike T-style breaths, Drop, set upper back and lats, big breath in, drive. Lockout tends to be very fast now. I'm working on initial hip placement - I have a feeling it wants to be a bit lower now so I can focus more on squatting the weight up.
I may also want to try leg pressing for a bit.
Grip is very slightly into the smooth to avoid hitting my legs.
In future trying to rest 2 minutes.

Barbell Row -
135lbs - 5, 5, 7, 6, 6
Set up basically the same way as the deadlift, but pull up only slightly. Each rep starts with thoracic extension and scapular retraction (with the dead setup they're already depressed, ideally) and then the bar finishing somewhere on my torso. Repeating 135 until I get 5x8, then upping the weight for 5x5 (probably 145+). I'm not sure what I'll do as an alternate for this; we'll see if I need to switch off every four weeks like I do for the pressing supplements. Resting 2 minutes.

Tried to do real hanging leg raises. I can kind of get a rep or so if I do a partial pull-up first, but it seemed to disagree my shoulder. I'll try for these later and just do standing cable crunches on Mondays.

Rollouts -
8, 8, 8, 3, 1
Focus here is primarily on resisting extension effectively. Rest of one minute.

I really want to integrate GHRs into this; I may just have to extend the workout.

Didn't do prehab today because I wanted to leave and haven't sorted out exactly how I'll organize it.

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