Thursday, April 11, 2013


This was a good and surprising day (particularly given that I went into it somewhat flustered from an argument).


Bench -
5x 45x3, 95x2, 135
3x 155, 175, 195
Singles progression 195-205-215 next week. Consider pushing 220 depending on how 215 feels.
I should have gone for 200 on this; it felt a lot better than I was expecting.

DB Bench -
6x 55s (x5)
60s next week.

Front Squat -
5x 45x3, 95x2, 135, 185
225lbs - 3, 2, 3, 2, 1
Technical issues rather than absolute failure. For the time being I'm dismissing this as a consequence of jumping back in.

Pullup Retraction - 3x12
BB Overhead Shrug - 3x12x45lbs
Push-Up Plus - 8, 6, 4

Very happy with this.

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