Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Squat -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x6), 335 (x4)
Finally got something decent on the final reps of each.
It seems like the major thing for ensuring a good ascent is (unsurprisingly) a technical descent, so I'm going to focus a lot harder on cues for the way down. The quad tiredness (or tightness, or both) made these a lot harder than they should have been. If stretching and massage don't clear it up inside of the next week or so I'm going to have to revise the program.

Pulldowns -
5x 75 (x5)
The shorter handle (with pinkies on the "rings") lets me get much better activation on these. I'm guessing it's because it tilts the pinky down and increases whatever effect you get from "pulling" with the pinky (since that's presumably just a cue designed to get you closer to having the pinky actually drop, the way it does with this handle and grip). Sticking with it. Repeating. Should probably drop rest periods to 90 seconds.

Getting better. Dropping the rest periods to 90 seconds. I may start doing that for more of the other movements, actually.

DB Cuban - 2x12x5s
Band ER - 2x12, micro
Band PA - 2x12, mini
Band Press - 2x12, mini

Then couch, hamstring, and calf stretches. Need to hunt for the corners on the couch stretch (it's very unpleasant); I think the issue is in my vastus lateralis. Definitely need to loosen that up.

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