Tuesday, April 16, 2013



"Mat Pulls" (3 45s, 1 mat) -
185x10, 225x6, 275x4, 315x3
Tried doing these in the same style as my new pulling method. It works.
Switching to 25s over 45s because they match the mats better (both diameter and height-wise). It's 3 mats to a 25. The progression should go:
4x25 (12 mats => should be 6 inches, though it seems to be more like 7)
3x25 + 1 mat
2x25 + 2 mats
1x25 + 1 mat
2 mats
Full range
I'm going to look into getting some stable matting or something so I don't need to stack with the plates but whatever. Looks like that'll come to around $100 for a decent set (not sure what thickness I'll get - thinking 0.75" so I can keep the drop short but I can see some sub-0.5 increments being handy).

Floor Rows -
3x 135, 155, 155, 135, 135
Probably switching these to regular. Fairly sure I shouldn't try to imitate the cannonball deadlift setup, at least. I already have two solid pulls from a dead stop today so doing these like this could be pointless.

Front Squat -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135, 185
3x 225 (x4)
2x 225
Screwed up the unrack on the last set, didn't want to rest-pause it.
Really need to work on this quad tightness - I have a feeling it's what's getting in the way of good technique here, not fatigue in itself.

Didn't do any prehab because I coached Glen today. Never coaching again.

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