Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Went into this still worn out from yesterday. My quads are pretty shot from yesterday; two weeks off seems to have reduced my capacity to recover quickly. I assume this won't be as much of an issue in a week or so. Didn't have the belt with me, unfortunately - I should probably just buy one.

Warmup (forgot to do glutes)

Squat -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x6)
#5 was an accidental ATG. These generally felt a bit off; I'll go back to getting video in on Thursday.

Pulldowns -
5x 65 (x5)
Thinking I'll repeat this.

5x 5 (arms at sides, trying to emphasize glute activation)
Not sure when I'm going to start upping the "weight" on these. I tried doing one vampire-style and basically failed mid-rep and had to drop my arms quickly so I could get up and finish the set.

DB Cuban - 2x12x5s
Band ER - 2x12xMicro
Band PA - 2x12xMini (hands about shoulder width)
Band "Press" - 2x12xMini ("")

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