Wednesday, April 24, 2013



Deadlift -
5x 185, 225
3x 275
1x 315
0x 335
1x 315 (x2)
Lots of fails off the floor here.

I'm currently somewhat incapacitated because I've trained myself not to emote at the gym (and currently can't emote period). Squatting involves enough of a ritual that I don't have this problem; right now, however, my bench isn't technical enough for the ritual to mean anything and my deadlift probably has both that issue and a lack of technicality in general. I need to learn to grind on both of them, and right now I don't have that capacity - I just fail immediately out of the bottom.

It's possible that today went badly more because I got drunk on Sunday and pulled a 365 sumo, but even with that I couldn't hit a 365 conventional that day and generally think I should be able to pull beltless roughly what I can squat; since what I can squat is somewhere around 400 pounds, I'm dissatisfied with my deadlift, particularly given that rather than being weak or slow off the floor I'm nonexistent there. If my back's strong enough to take the weight, I get the lift; otherwise, it doesn't move until I let my back round. I'm also starting to resent my lack of conditioning; it doesn't feel like I can breathe into the bottom of my lungs anymore. My solution to this is probably to do sled or prowler work, but I'm also mildly nervous about that because my recent programming has inflated my legs with no benefit to my torso.

My base thinking is that it's probably time to switch back to a 4-per-week program with a squat day, a deadlift day, and two bench days (one somewhat harder towards the press). The deadlift aspect is pretty easy - I'll just stick with ROM progression, as I have no better ideas and think that Emevas's grinder argument makes sense there. For the Squat I think I'll start out with what I've already got; I don't know if technical maxes once per week will be enough to maintain things, but we'll see. A 4-day program also carries the benefit of having actual days off; looks like MWFS.

Guessing I'll mirror Garett and Eric for schedule and do
Monday - ROM Progression Deadlift
Wednesday - ME Bench
Friday - ME Squat
Saturday - DE/SE Bench

So in other words the Westside version of what Emevas is doing.
Current vision:

Monday - Dead Progression, lighter Squat singles, Rows, Abs, Prehab (EHEM, GHRs?)
Wednesday - Bench Progression, DB Bench/BSPU*, Pulldowns, Delt Flyes, Prehab (with Curls)
Friday - Heavy squat singles**, GMs? RDLs?, Rows, Abs, Prehab (I REPEAT, GHR?)
Saturday - SE Bench***, Press/Floor, ????*, Pulldowns, Prehab (possibly with Curls)

*I used to do DBB/Dips on ME days and DBFloor/BSPU on SE days, but I can't do dips anymore. I guess I could just put in a major tricep movement for ME day, or something
**May go all-out Bulgarian here and stick in some doubles afterwards, though that was always the plan once things stabilized at high weights and perfect form
***Sticking here for the time being but not 100% certain. Useful for convenience, I guess.

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