Saturday, April 13, 2013


This day went on longer than it should have. Fortunately it's currently locked in as Saturday, and at this rate it's staying there.


Squat -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x5), 325 (x4), 335
Lots of working on keeping my hips from kicking out. Garett insists that the 335 was good (partly because I didn't pause when the hips happened) - I have a feeling I've been psyching myself out somewhat with my training weights and need to stop assuming that 315 is going to be hard. I may need to just change the plates or something.
I have a feeling I should have pushed further on Thursday.

Bench -
5x 45 (x3), 95 (x2), 135
3x 160
2x 180 (x8)
Using my old pressing cycle here. I'm going to modify it soon enough, though.

Press -
5x 45, 80
115lbs - 5, 5, 4 (5F), 4, 4
This is embarrassing.
As with last time on Westside, I'm pushing for 5x5 and then increasing the weight 5lbs. I get some credit here because this is done not only with tired triceps but also after some serious squatting.

EQI Pushup - 5
Prone T - 12x2.5s
Halo - 12eax25

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