Monday, December 20, 2010

2010-12-20 Dead and Bench

Deadlift - 135, 185
3x5 - 250
Easy as fuck. Fullness and sleep are nice allies.

Bench - 45, 95
3x5 - 160
Fairly easy. Figured out that the pain I get in my hands (near the wrist) is largely from cocking my hands forward a bit; rotated them back slightly and it went away. Yay.

3x5 - 130lbs
Form is deteriorating somewhat.

Friday, December 17, 2010

2010-12-17 Squat and Press

Squat: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135
3x5 - 210lbs
These were a lot harder than they should have been.
Sacral pain.
Rachel's hip kicks out very heavily on harder squat sets. We're fairly sure this is due to an injury from when she was a baby, but do any of you guys have any details on fixing an issue with the hips rotating heavily on heavier reps?

Press: 45
3x5 - 112.5lbs

DB Row:
3x5 - 50lb
Right first.

Friday, December 10, 2010

2010-12-10 Dead and Bench

Warmup: The usual, except without the pvc or the lax. Found the PVC at the gym - seems we left it there.
Did Dieselcrew on the bench instead of freestanding, and plan to continue doing so. Still 7.5s. May switch to 10s next semester.

Deadlift: 135, 185
3x5 - 245lbs
My double-overhand grip is alarmingly bad. Mixed Grip I can hold onto ~365 for a good 10 seconds or so, but going double-over appears to be what's making these less than amazing.
Still, most of these were good, even if it was because the weight probably isn't too far off from what I could clean (...for a 1RM and if I actually, y'know, could clean).

Bench: 45, 95
3x5 - 155lbs
No liftoffs.
I'm having trouble getting my lats to engage properly, possibly because I'm not getting liftoffs. I once again managed it on the last set and the last set alone, but that also had some issues with my arch.
Cuing myself was a lot easier when Saba and Eric were around, lol.

3x5 - 125lbs
Working on the cues for these. Lat feeling is getting better. At least I'm still not feeling it in my biceps.

Didn't do Face Pulls because we'd been there for ages and couldn't be arsed.

Rachel pulled 135 for a single today; we decided to just take her up to the plates and work up one rep at a time for 5 sessions, then increase as normal. She probably had it for 3 (maybe 5) if she'd wanted it. She also squatted her bodyweight for 5/3/1, thereby officially returning to where she was before I hurt myself. Yay.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2010-12-08 Squat and Press

Wore the belt again today. I'm not sure if it was the extra stability, the mechanical assistance that I will explain below, or just me sucking less, but...well, read on.

Warmup: The usual, sans the balls, but with more PVC attention to my lower back because I'm getting used to the EXCRUCIATING pain.
Oh, and the asshole guy who tried to pick a fight with me when I was warming up for my 405 dead was there. I won't move this to the top, but he was doing movements in perfect synch with two other skinny guys with nicer faces. They were curling, then they were pretending to do cleans, then they were BTN pressing, then they were half-squatting, and then he in particular was offering program advice to a guy significant larger and stronger than him who unfortunately both knew him and did not become larger and stronger than him without outside help and thus not only put up with him but agreed to follow said advice to the letter.

Yeah, I, uh, may have watched an episode of ZeroPunctuation in the last ten minutes. >.>

Squat: 45, 45, 45, 135 (all for 5), 135x1
3x5 - 205lbs
Did the 135 single and felt that my form had solidified enough that I should just move up. Waited a minute or so, added belt, did first set.
I got Greg to check my depth on the third set and he said I was definitely going past parallel, which seemed amazing to me, because legal squats are not supposed to be that easy.
I don't think I was engaging my core (via the belt) properly, but it's one of the only three explanations I have, the others of which are:
2) That the belt provides considerable mechanical assistance, partly by pressing into my thighs when I'm nearing depth and giving me some kind of rebound...or something...
3) That I've just gotten that much better. Possible, I...guess?

The belt also server as a very helpful indicator of depth - I knew when to rebound because eventually the force of the belt against my thighs provided a mechanical barrier preventing me from going deeper. Since this depth was legal...yay?

I feel like a gear whore.

Press: 45
3x5 - 110
This was harder than I like.

DB Row:
3x5 - 50lb
My left isn't engaging properly.

Tried to add band, couldn't. Damn.

Monday, December 6, 2010

2010-12-06 Dead and Bench

Wow, this has been hectic.

Wore the belt for some of the stuff today. I'm still...well, unsold on it. >.> Need to return it anyway, but that won't be for a refund...hrm.

This is annoying, dunno how I feel about it.

Warmup - everything except the balls, which I need to find. Did shoulders on a bench instead of freestanding.

Deadlift: 135, 185
*Added Belt
3x5 - 240lbs
~16 weeks off from approximately where I should have been when I hurt my leg. >.>
Adjusted the belt position - first set was too low and probably too tight, 2nd was a tad high but the right setting (3rd holes, so I definitely should upgrade the length) and the third was "just right" (at least, I tihnk it was - 2nd was easier, though).

Bench: 45, 95
3x5 - 150lbs
Didn't get liftoffs for any of these. Belted on 2nd set only.
Only managed to engage my lats properly on the third set; pulling the bar out of the rack interfered with the others.

3x5 - 120lbs
Not feeling this in my lats as much as I'd like.

Face Pulls:
3x8 - 15lbs
I'll probably go up to 20 soon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

2010-12-04 Squat and Press

Warmup - didn't bring the PVC today, since I had nobody to help carry stuff. Other than that, the usual (sans tennis/LAX ball).

Squat: 135, 135, 135
3x5 - 200lbs
Easy. Need to work on my breathing, though...generally unsure of the quality of my form on these.
I need to stretch my hamstrings on my off days.

Press: 45
1x5 - 100lbs
2x5 - 105lbs
I'm an idiot (RE: first work set).
Fairly easy, besides that.

DB Row:
3x5ea - 45lb DB
Going to start taking in one of my DB handles (note to self: write name on handle) so I can do easy 2.5lb increments on this.

Didn't do rollouts, 'cuz my car was parked in a paid parking zone that "activated" about an hour after I got to the weightroom, and I didn't want to chance a ticket.