Friday, December 10, 2010

2010-12-10 Dead and Bench

Warmup: The usual, except without the pvc or the lax. Found the PVC at the gym - seems we left it there.
Did Dieselcrew on the bench instead of freestanding, and plan to continue doing so. Still 7.5s. May switch to 10s next semester.

Deadlift: 135, 185
3x5 - 245lbs
My double-overhand grip is alarmingly bad. Mixed Grip I can hold onto ~365 for a good 10 seconds or so, but going double-over appears to be what's making these less than amazing.
Still, most of these were good, even if it was because the weight probably isn't too far off from what I could clean (...for a 1RM and if I actually, y'know, could clean).

Bench: 45, 95
3x5 - 155lbs
No liftoffs.
I'm having trouble getting my lats to engage properly, possibly because I'm not getting liftoffs. I once again managed it on the last set and the last set alone, but that also had some issues with my arch.
Cuing myself was a lot easier when Saba and Eric were around, lol.

3x5 - 125lbs
Working on the cues for these. Lat feeling is getting better. At least I'm still not feeling it in my biceps.

Didn't do Face Pulls because we'd been there for ages and couldn't be arsed.

Rachel pulled 135 for a single today; we decided to just take her up to the plates and work up one rep at a time for 5 sessions, then increase as normal. She probably had it for 3 (maybe 5) if she'd wanted it. She also squatted her bodyweight for 5/3/1, thereby officially returning to where she was before I hurt myself. Yay.

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