Friday, September 20, 2013


Fucked around. The warmup's always the same from now on (bridges, shoulders, overhead squat), so I won't write it down. Working up will always be the same, too: Sets of 3-10 at all the lower 25/45 increments, and maybe the empty bar.

Speed Pulls (chucks, 45lb plate): 15 minutes with 225. Pulled, got water, caught my breath, pulled again. Maybe 15 seconds rest.

Push Press/Push Jerk: 20 singles with 135. Tried to keep these as push presses, but pussied out and dropped on some of them. The last 3 were done as a full set (2 push, 1 failed, 1 jerk).

Chins: 30 reps across doubles and singles. Discovered I could jump to the bar, started jumping to the bar. Discovered I could jump to the bar from the bottom of a squat, started doing that. Fun.

Walked there and back.

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