Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Declaration of Fucking Around

I've recently had some epiphanies, and one of the bigger ones is that I no longer care about powerlifting specifically. My interest is in being strong, athletic, and ripped, not in setting huge records in the big three. I'll still compete, but (in my current mindset, at least) I'm not going to bother cutting weight and won't focus on the competition lifts to the exclusion of all else the way I have been recently.

I've also realized that regardless of how well the Westside approach is working, it's taking too long per day and fucking up my shoulder.

I've got two ideas:

1) Drop the money on a renewed gym membership and go Jamie Lewis style, lifting six days per week with high intensities, short rests, and no specific prescribed lifts, capping each session at an hour. The only requirement is leg/push/pull, with merged exercises counting as two. This'd be two weeks heavy one week light (probably just calisthenics for the light week, with lots of jumping and single-leg squats).

2) Save the money and just fuck around at home with the sled, handles, trap bar, and TPB. An hour per day of sled drags, cleans, deads, farmer's walks, and chins sounds like a similarly good plan for making things go.

Either way, I'm not flat bench pressing for a while. Once my shoulder and upper back feel like they're working properly I'll go back in, but I like Pressing more than benching anyway.

Worthwhile reading:

A few programming insights and a look at two exercises I think would be worth looking at.

The idea here is that I want to get fit and healthy rather than win competitions, so a lot of stuff will go by Starett's work and general feel. I want to win at life, not at powerlifting. This also eliminates any concern I have about going hiking, rock climbing, or anything else.

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