Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2011-04-06 Dead and Bench

Warmup: Rolling, 5xGlute Bridge, 5xGHR, 10lb Dieselcrew, stretching for hams and groin, hip circles (total 10min)

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275
3x5 - 330lbs
I don't think this is technically a PR yet, but it's damn close. Bigger increase in difficulty last week, but nothing unbearable.
Finally tore a callus...kinda. I'm torn between band-aiding it up (and just hoping it heals without an air pocket underneath it) or carefully cutting/tear it off and then bandaiding it up for longer while the layers regrow. Advice?

Bench: 45x2, 95, 135
205lbs - 5, 4 (5F), 2 (3F)
Switching to Floor Press or Board Press. Haven't decided which, or what weight I'll start at.

5, 5, 4 (5F x3)
Scarily enough, I couldn't do the 5th one on the fourth set. Wow.

Haven't done the bands yet and probably won't at this rate; left them in my car, though I'll have to go down there to get a

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