Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2011-04-26 Dead and Bench

Warmup - As usual.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225, 275 (double overhand), 315
352.5lbs - 5, 5, 4
I keep forgetting to drop my hips properly, so the very base of my low back is complaining here. Rolling it, stretching groin and hamstrings and hip flexors, etc.. It acted up on Sled Drags yesterday.
Also did 2/3 of a rep with 315, double-overhand, to put it back in the rack.

Floor Press: 45x2, 95, 135
185lbs - 3x5
Now I remember why I love floor press so much - no matter how hard it feels, if I gets off the floor, it's guaranteed.
Working on fixing my right shoulder down somewhat - apparently it locks out significantly higher than the left one. Once I've worked that out I'll work on other discrepancies, but that's my #1 right now.

BW - 3x5
Not as easy as last time.

190lbs - 3x10
Rounding my shoulders forward at the bottom and then squeezing hard going into lockout adds an upper back element to this. I'm pretty satisfied.

Held 225 for a few seconds at the end.

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