Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011-04-16 Squat and Press

Warmup - rolling, stretching, glute bridges, GHRs, 10lb dieselcrew, more stretching

Squat: 45x6, 95, 135, 185, 225
290lbs - 5, 5, 4
Can't promise on the depth for any of these because I was alone. I'm only really uncertain for the last reps of #1 and 3.
20lbs to go before I tie my best SE Lower weight; 45 until I'm at my best ME Lower triple.
The outside of my right quad is still hurting when I hit depth on the heavier weights; I'm pretty sure this is a trigger point in the most lateral quad muscle or the IT band (can't tell which). Unfortunately, I've got no idea how to stretch these areas. Researching after this post.

Press: 45, 95
135lbs - 3x4
Really shouldn't have gone for the 4th on the 3rd set, as partly evidenced by my almost passing out while holding it for a second at the top. That would have been bad.
I may start going up 5lbs on this, or at least experimenting with the idea - I'm not going to get 5 reps on the first set on anything less than a ~1lb increase, and I'd rather not go that low. I'll test this out with 140, methinks. Failing all else, I can just use 1 of my micro"plate" chains each side to up by 1.25lbs.

DB Row:
85lbs - 5/5, 5/5, 4/5
My right side sucks.

Weighted Plank ("bottom" of plate around halfway down my ass):
30sec - 25, 35, 35, 35, 35
I'll just up it by 5lbs each time.
Going to do 45-degree Hypers on DL days, methinks.

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