Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Log - 6/19/2012

Mild upper back injury. The pain's already almost entirely gone, though some of that may be because I rubbed Capzasin across the area yesterday evening. That shit is powerful. And fun.


Deadlift - 135, 185, 225; 275; 325
290lbs - 5x5
Decided that from now on, the singles will be set at roughly 10% over the work weight (specifically, WW/0.9 - i.e. the work sets are 90% of the singles). In the interest of facilitating recovery, I'm going to apply this to Squats and Bench as well, though squat singles with 315 aren't that challenging right now.

Press: 45, 80
112.5lbs - 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 (4F)
Tweaked my back on the failed rep. I fell back into my hold habit of shifting left for harder reps and something sort of...well, died. Went home immediately after this.

I made it to 31 chins between those sets, though, with the opening set being a full 5 reps with strict posture. I credit this improvement to my habit of doing chins whenever I'm bored, and will look into getting some manner of chin-up bar in Berkeley (though it will probably have to be a screw-free model that can fit in the front door - oh dear).

Rest period changes: Just realized that I'm edging in on relatively high weights. I've decided I'll increase the rest periods by 1 minute for every 8% off of the final goal (so 3 minutes as of about 75%, 4 no earlier than 85%, and 5 no earlier than 92% but hopefully closer to 95%).
Weights for this:
Squat: 3 minutes whenever; 4 starting no sooner than 270, and 5 no earlier than the 290-300 range
Bench: 3 minutes starting at 165; 4 no sooner than 185; 5 starting no sooner than 205-210
Deadlift: 3 minutes starting now; 4 no sooner than 310-315; 5 no sooner than 335-345
Press: 3 minutes starting now; 4 no sooner than 115; 5 no sooner than 125

I'm fairly sure I've hit somewhere in the 30-50 range for chins on off-days, too. Speaking of which, off to do more, then roll out my upper back.

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