Friday, June 1, 2012

Log - 5/31/2012


Deadlift: 135, 185, 225; 275, 315, [365 - Again, didn't budge. Not retrying]
275lbs - 5x5
That was fun.
Unfortunately, my right side isn't activating properly, so some of these were fairly unpleasant.

Press: 45, 75
110lbs - 5, 5, 4, 4, 5
Funny how this happens right before I start adding in scheduled deloads.

2, 2, 2, 2, 1
Total of 25 today. 3 before the first deadlift work set, then singles and doubles before the others. The "trick" here is to keep tension in the lats and not go to a dead hang after each rep - most of the doubles would have been singles on Tuesday.

FatGripz Rack Pull:
145lbs - 10ct, 10ct, 10ct, 10ct, 7ct
These are now exclusively for Deadlift days. Ab work will go in their place on Squat days for the time being (I'm tempted to do shrugs instead, but neglecting core strength seems foolish); I'm going to start just using Front Squat Holds again.

Pilates - Random crap for the first two runs

Face Pulls:
20lbs - 10
15lbs - 2x10 with 3ct hold
Turns out you can stop the 20lb and 10lb bricks from sticking to each other by slamming the weights back into the stack. Who knew?

Deload on the next two training sessions.

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