Thursday, June 28, 2012

Logs and Updates


Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225; 280
250lbs - 5, 5, 1
Shooting pain at the bottom of my right IT band. Nothing on first set, last few reps on second set, from the start on the third set. We'll see where this goes.

Bench - 45, 95; 135; 175
155lbs - 5x5
Having a spot helped a lot. The longer rest probably also made a difference (Saarni was responsible for both of these, though I could have prevented the second if I'd wanted to).


Deadlift - 135, 185, 225; 275; 330
295lbs - 5x5
Straps are sliding on the bar; I probably need to work on the technique for setting them up. Brian came along and offered some advice for them.

Press - 45, 75
112.5lbs - 5x5
I'm guessing rests and a training partner helped with this, but the difference between these sets and the ones I was doing before was phenomenal.
I think most of the difference came from a slower and more methodical pace. Solid rests between reps and somehow not running out of air seems to help a lot.
Twelve-hour workdays across two jobs (very, very voluntary - i.e. it actually sort of goes against both bosses' advice, albeit not against their wishes as long as I can stay productive) mean I'm training either early in the morning or late at night. I've gone for the mornings and moved my food intake to reflect that. Current plan (still needs a bit of refining):

Sunday - Carb breakfast; Train; Carb brunch; cheat window; carb "snacks" (i.e. PSMF but with rice)
Monday - Small breakfast; medium brunch; protein-sparing modified fast (chicken breast)
Tuesday - Small breakfast; train; large brunch; PSMF
Wednesday - Small breakfast, medium brunch; PSMF
Thursday - Carb breakfast; Train; carb brunch; PSMF
Friday - Small breakfast; large brunch; PSMF
Saturday - Small breakfast; Small brunch; PSMF

I should be fine maintaining/losing with this, and can adjust variables as needed. Large meals will probably be ribs, small will probably be chicken wings. I'm not sure on the mediums yet; steak and sausages both probably work.

I'm skipping my scheduled deload for this cycle because I've trained about 3 times in the last two weeks, and have thus already effectively deloaded. Yay.

I may restart creatine fairly soon; haven't decided.

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