Friday, June 8, 2012

Log - 6/7/2012

Warmup - Added Reverse Hypers, because I could. 20 reps with a single 45lb plate. This was not enough weight and I shall use more next time. I'll probably also do some extra sets at the end of each workout.

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225, 275, 315
240lbs - 5x5
2-minute rests prevented this from being fun. Good music helped to counter that.
I'm thinking I'll push up to 3-minute breaks once I'm up around 250.

Bench - 45, 95; 135, 185
145lbs - 5x5
Intermission here for a brief rant.
There aren't a whole lot of things a barbell needs to do to feel "complete" in life - it needs to be long enough to hold the plates it's supposed to support, sturdy enough that it doesn't bend under the weight of those plates, and "sharp" enough that people can get a good grip on it. As with a lot of other gyms I've been to, World Gym has an excellent selection of barbells (SSB, 8ft Squat Bar, Deadlift Bar, Cambered Bar...), but outside of the specialty ones almost none of them have a significant knurl or competition ring spacing. Say what you will about the Cal RSF, but the bars there are at least grippable. And competition standard (as far as I can tell), which is also important. The last set of these was actually a 2+3 because getting my grip set was such a pain in the ass that my forearms gave out.
Rant over.
I started off using one of the regular benches, but since nobody was there to spot and I had an excellent cage ten feet away I moved back to the rack and pressed in there.

4, 1, 3, 2, 2
3, 2, 2, 1, 1
2, 2, 2, 2, 2
32 total.
Some of this is probably due to excessive rest around the bench setup (took about half an hour before I started the work sets), but yay. I also may have "accidentally" yanked my shoulder in a weirdly therapeutic fashion on one of these.
Doing these is actually kind of odd for me - World's uses straight bars whereas the RSF has the middle set at an angle, and my chins have gotten a LOT better very quickly now that I'm using the former rather than the latter. Maybe I'll start doing these off of a barbell or something when I get back to Cal.

Front Squat Holds:
295lbs - 5x15
Fair bit harder than last time. I'll hit 305 next time; no need to rush to 315.

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