Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Updates to Diet and Program

The 5/3/1 components of the program aren't changing. What's changing is that from now on I'm training 7 days per week with the spare 3 functioning as rehab days with:

Banded GMs (which I may add back into my regular warmup) to stretch out hamstrings
Shoulder warmup, but done with more reps (currently I do; I'm thinking up it to 5) and for 3 sets. Also possibly longer holds.
Light barbell rows to work on form and scapular stabilization (both overhand and underhand grips)
Light lat pullsdown for sets of 10, focusing on form (we're talking like 60lbs here)
Face pulls, supersetted with scap push-ups
Competition lifts done with light weights (45lb bench, 95-135lb squat, 135-185lb deadlift) focusing on form, ideally to the tune of 100 good reps per workout. These will be with low rest.
Stomach vacuum for many sets and reps

Ideally I'll figure out a way to cut all of that down into a single hour of training.

For dietary changes...there actually aren't any hugely significant ones, but I'm branching out with the types of stew I can make so hopefully I'll have something new in the near future. The basic outline stays the same - low-carb, high-fat, high-protein, high-fiber until training and high-carb, low-fat, high-protein, low-fiber afterwards. I may start adding an actual breakfast in; I want to try the hazelnut roast + coconut oil + heavy cream idea first though.

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