Monday, May 9, 2016

2016-05-09 Dead and Press

Considering switching to the plan I had last spring to keep workouts shorter and facilitate rehab. Presumably it'll have to vary by project.

Diesel - 5s
Bridge - No band

Deadlift -
185x5x3 (30 second hold)
Straight up speed pulls. Not doing the bat wings may have screwed up lat activation, though. Overhead squats probably also valuable for enabling thoracic extension - seemed like I was feeling the restriction there.

Press -
Getting more tired here - final set was pretty bad.

Lat Pulldown -
Key appears to be resisting bending elbows until the last minute - good emphasis on the lats. 80 next time.

Turkish Get-Up -
30 second rests this time (probably worth keeping).
Feeling better; 30 next time. That said, technical changes probably appropriate for hinging up. Core bracing right before makes a difference.

All right only:
Couch Stretch (really focusing on getting deep) - 2m first, 1m second
Kneeling groin stretch
ER on a box - 45/30/45
Hamstring - low box, ~2m

Just working on freeing up that right hip. Need to roll out both sides. May be worth trying some band traction. Could also be something in ankles/calves.

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