Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2010-03-17 ME Lower

From now on, I'm planning out my work sets in advance and cutting rest periods. This took two hours, and while squatting for an hour is up there next to sex and Dream Theater* as far as pleasure's concerned, I don't have time to keep doing it.

*That is, good Dream Theater. Bad Dream Theater is god-awful and makes me want to cry.

Particularly when it ends with a technical miss with a weight that's usually 2nd or 3rd to last.

Squat: 45, 135, 135
3x 155, 175, 195, 215, 235
1x 255, 275, 295, 315
0x 315
Retook 315 to get 3 singles over 90%. Bar rolled forward onto my neck for the miss, exactly the way it has with all but one of my other squat misses. This is doubly frustrating for me because it was easy as hell the first time.

GHR w/ 5lb plate on face:
8, 7, 5, 5, 5
2min between sets.

Hyper w/ 75lb DB held on upper chest:
15, 15, 15
I think I'm using momentum on these, which is...well, probably bad.
I'll go for the same reps again next week done strict.

Straight Leg Raise:
12, 12, 12
Tried some rollouts leading up to this, but I only have to try with rollouts about one day in three, and this wasn't that day. I'm working on figuring out what technical change I'm making that makes them so much easier, but for now, flexion work.

Inverted Side Bend:
8 each side x 40lbs, 50lbs, 60lbs
Need to claim the cable crossover station so I can get in a better position to do these.

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