Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Physical Therapy Log

Half-hour of shoulder mobility stuff (this is him doing stuff to me, not me doing mobes) to open up the joint
Half-hour of pilates

Pilates was pretty eye-opening; I have some serious issues with how I approach my upper back posture, and my abs don't work. She had me do an exercise to train ab recruitment (which should prove very useful, especially for benching), which I'll describe here to make sure I remember:
Lie along a foam roller (not the rumbler, that would be hellish)
Legs bent at ~90, feet flat on the ground
Get into good upper back position with natural lumbar, then put palms down as low as they can go to stabilize. This is also to help enforce proper scapular position
Engage abs to lock pelvis to ribcage. At this point my abs were already getting fatigued, btw
"Engage" inner thighs. This is surprisingly easy to do and makes the exercise dramatically harder for some reason. I'm guessing it helps to prevent other muscles from compensating for the abs.
Now, slowly raise one leg up to about 90 degrees of hip flexion. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat on other side

After a while, can switch to raising one leg, then raising the other. This is a lot harder. Lower them in the order raised.

General breathing pattern here is to take a breath before each phase of the movement and exhale while moving. Given that we're talking about abdominal function here, I suspect this is actually a good approach since it helps to get you used to breathing with your abs braced like this.

It's a lot harder for me to do on the left than on the right.

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