Sunday, March 11, 2012

Post-Meet Plans

Day A:
5x5 Squat
5x5 Bench

Day B:
5x5 Dead (TnG, with rest-pausing as needed)
5x5 Press

This time when things get tough I'll do the Emevas trick of switching movements rather than going straight to the TM.
I'm thinking Squat/Front Squat and Deadlift/Good Morning for the lower stuff. I may include a set of shrugs after the GMs just to keep some grip stimulation going - that or I'll just do SLDLs instead of GMs, haven't quite decided. Iono. Need to work on hip mobility.

Uppers I was originally thinking Bench/Dips and Press/???, but on reflection it seems as though benching is something I have to do almost continuously if I want to retain technique - any break from benching seems to completely destroy my ability to engage my lats/back properly, so I think I'll handle that by changing the grip width, giving me more of a
Bench/Other Bench and Press/Dips setup

In terms of what "Other bench" is, I dunno. I'm already working with a fairly close grip (pinkies on rings). I guess I could consider this one as starting with the harder movement and switching to the competition one.
Alternatively, I could look into setting up some steady training partners again and Board Pressing. As long as I'm on a bench I should be fine (I guess Incline is an option, but I hate the fuck out of that movement and am told it does bad things for the shoulders).

When I switch back to the original movements, I'm thinking it'd be best to take the weight down ~20% so I can work on technique before getting back into weights that are actually significant.

Not sure how I'll handle differing rep ranges; guessing I'll leave that until after I've cycled the lifts out at least once.

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