Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011-07-30 Volume

I've been eating pretty terribly for the last few days, and it showed up on today's Presses.

Warmup - As usual. 12.5lbs for the Dieselcrew.

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275 (x1)
297.5lbs - 5x5
Did the warmups pretty much continuously besides 275.
Rests on the work sets varied from about 5.5 minutes to around 9 minutes. I met a newbie with good form who wanted some help, so we talked training for a bit. Nice to take advantage of the looser protocols, lol.
Getting back into sitting into more of a middle position in the hole rather than having all my weight back. The difference is very, very noticeable and I need to get video to see if it looks wrong.

Press: 45, 95, 135
152.5lbs - 4, 3, 3
Except this time it was a legit "Can't do another one" rather than last time's "I'd've gotten it if I'd just fucking BREATHED correctly."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011-07-27 Intensity

Warmup - As usual

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, [295, 315]
330lbs - 5
Not easy but not hard. Knowing that I've just got to get 5 reps and it's over helps.
Brackets = fewer reps and longer rests.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
235lbs - 4 (5 wtf), 4 (5F), 3
WTF is clarified below.

Deadlift: 225, 315
385lbs - 4
365lbs - 1 (shortly afterward to get it back in the rack)
Resetting these or reducing the reps or something...not sure. I'm mostly just not used to the sensation in my back.

RE: the WTF
Got Rachel to give me a lift on the first set. 5th rep slowed down a lot midway but I still basically had it, so when she moved in (breaking spotter etiquette) I said "don't take it" which she heard as "take it" and grabbed it. Then I said "No!" or something and that flustered her, so she pulled it back and it got caught under the hooks. Then I probably said something else, or something, but either way she let go of it and I had to basically get it halfway down and then throw it off towards my hips, which pissed me off and prompted a loud yell.
So uh

...that happened.

Fortunately I'm used to her going into really depressive moods and shit due to her mild bipolar disorder and whatnot, so it was pretty easy to avoid that going anywhere terrible, but urgh.

Also fortunately the RSF guy who usually spots me was in, and pretty receptive to my giving him the extra instruction of "Don't even move unless I say to grab it...then grab it immediately and get into the rack ASAP."

Monday, July 25, 2011

2011-07-25 Recovery

Warmup - As usual

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185
225lbs - 2x5
How very difficult.

Press: 45, 95, 135 (3 reps)
152.5lbs - 4, 3, 3
We all know what's going to happen on Saturday, don't we. Fun.

BW - 3x4
Had like half an hour between the Presses and these because I was talking to people.

Observed that giving me the chance to talk about training is like giving me cocaine. I was here for 2 hours doing something that should have taken at most ~75 minutes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

2011-07-23 Volume Day (Texas Method)

Warmup - as usual. 12.5s for the Dieselcrew, 9 each on the bridges and GHRs.

Squat: 45x3, 95, 135, 185, 225
265lbs - 1x5
272.5lbs - 1x5
280lbs - 1x5
290lbs - 1x5
297.5lbs - 1x5
My conditioning's gone down the shitter and my form's worse.
Fortunately they went from feeling heavy at 265 to feeling pretty manageable at 297.5.
330lbs on Wednesday.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
230lbs - 5, 5, 4 (5F)
Should have known better than to go for the fifth on set 3, but w/e.
Going up next time, whee.

Face Pull:
2x15 - 25lbs

Was going to do DB Rows while there, but there's no way to load 97.5lbs onto my handles with the rubberized plates. I'll probably do them tomorrow before sledding.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The longer-term plan

Ok, sorted this out in my head.

Today I'm sledding; I'll go for 10 trips with 180lbs.

I'm switching to Texas Method on Monday; not interested in the SSB and TB idea anymore because of the number of limiting/delaying factors involved. I'll be sledding today and either Friday or Saturday (probably Saturday and going for 10 trips with 4 plates). I'll probably spend some time in the gym every day including today just to work on shoulder rehab; not lifting tomorrow, as Deads were what hurt my shoulder in the first place (first time that's ever happened, actually) and I'm floor pressing on Monday.

I'll assume a starting 5RM of 330.
Bench and Press will be alternated each day as normal until both stall, at which point they'll change to the typical template. Bench is bench specifically - I'm going to keep going on Floor Press until that stalls out and switch back to Bench from there.

General plan for the start:

Monday - Volume Day
Squat 5x5 @ 90% of previous Friday (ramping from 80 to 90 for the first month). Will make use of my 1.25lb plates here.
DB Row 3x5ea

Tuesday - Conditioning
Sled work until I can get some more plates and better screw clamps, then probably Farmer's Walk.

Wednesday - Light Day
Squat 2x5 @ 75% of Monday's weight
Pull-Ups 3x5

Thursday - Off

Friday - Intensity Day
Squat 1x5 @ PR
Deadlift 1x5 @ PR

Saturday - Conditioning
Sled Work, done in the morning.

Sunday - Off

2011-07-13 Sled

180lbs, 6 trips, unknown rest periods, 200ft

Saarni came back for like 3 days and then left again, lol. He'll be back for the end of the summer and then throughout the year.

I like having friends.

Anyway, uh, yeah. Couldn't do 10 trips.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2011-07-12 Squat and Press, and plans

Form's quite different with a belt. Takes some getting used to.

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225; Add Belt; 275
335 - 5, 3, 2
Need to work on keeping the bar back properly. Probably had another rep or two in me for the second sets but falling forward (partly due to the belt...I think...) shut me down a bit.
Waiting for a response on whether or not I can store an SSB and Trap Bar at the RSF. I want my answer sooner rather than later, people...guh.

Press: 45, 95
150lbs - 5, 5, 4
My right shoulder's still weirding up a bit, but it wasn't enough to stop me here.

5, 3, 3
Consistent bodyweight ftw.

Weighted Plank:
75lbs - 2x30sec, 30sec rest
Shoulder started complaining after the second one so I finished early.

Face Pull:
20lbs - 2x15

Jeremy suggested I consider a texas method run. At this point I'm more than just considering it.

It's basically either Trap Bar + SSB or Texas Method as far as I'm concerned. 5/3/1 might work out but I'm making pretty phenomenal progress on my Bench and Press right now.

Hell, the Bench and Press parts are why I want the SSB+TBL approach over the TM right now.

...but yeah, I think it's gotten to the stage that setting legit PRs with sets across is beyond me, psychologically if not physically. SSB+TBL gets around that by bringing up weak points and getting a running start on progress; TM does it with the single intensity set.

Also, using the belt properly = my face almost exploded

Sunday, July 10, 2011

2011-07-10 Dead and Bench

Deadlift: 185, 225, 275, 315, 365 (this time for a full set of 3)
405 - 4 (5F), 1
425 - 1 for kicks
Belting up initially, then switching movements, ideally to trap bar lift.
Didn't find that the belt helped at all with deads, but w/e. I think my issue here is more technical - I'm used to pulling with an at least approximately straight back and now it's rounding out a bit, which causes the bar to swing out in front of me.
Oh, and I like...iono, partially dislocated my right shoulder on the first 405 set. Nothing serious (I think) and it didn't hurt, but it did feel looser than it should during floor press.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
230lbs - 5, 4 (5F), 3
Whee, 5 reps with my old 1RM on another movement.

12.5lbs - 10, 9
Last few on each probably had more back in them than I'd like.

Face Pull:
20lbs - 15, 15
No rows today due to rushing and my forgetting to bring the DB.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

2011-07-07 Sled

180lbs, 5 trips, 200ft, 50sec between

Completely forgot I'm not lifting tomorrow.

If I'd remembered I probably would have gone for 10. >.>

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2011-07-06 Squat and some Program Thoughts

Still very sure the problem is psychological, but at this point I think it'd be better to pull a Bench and switch to something harder at ~30% lower and just work up from there. I'm thinking Box Squat, though if I can work stuff out with the staff I may go for the SSB (starting with 225) and cycle out Deads to a deficit TBL. Probably use SSB Box Squats if that happens.

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275
335lbs - 2, 3, 2, 2, 3 (might be getting these in the wrong order, but it was 2x3s and 3x2s)
With some mental forcing I can make myself do another rep after it gets hard, and with some mental cuing I can get myself through that rep (as evidenced by the last triple - I'd've gone for a 4th on set 2, but my knees buckled forward on the 3rd). However, it's gotten to the stage that I'm afraid to fail and thus afraid to push myself, and as much as the Jon who isn't squatting says it's doable, the Jon who is disagrees enough to put it back in the rack.
If I can't do SSB stuff it'll actually probably be Front Squats, possibly with the a Harness...or maybe I'll just do the sensible thing and buy some straps to do the thing that (iirc) BC keeps telling me to do.

Press: 45, 95
150lbs - 5, 2, 3
After the first set I got some weird pain in my left trap and was afraid to push it much further.
...which is a pity, 'cuz I could totally have done 3x5 with this. I love how my Bench and Press are both rocketing up on this while my Dead KINDA stalls and my Squats give me quadphobia.

BW - 3, 3, 3
Tired and wanted to leave. And trap hurt. Good lat engagement on set 1, though.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Switching to maintenance.

I'm going to try cutting exclusively from the high-carb days. First step, only 3 quarts of milk in the mornings.

I suspect that my progress rut is psychological rather than physiological, given that even last week only my squat and dead (both of which were at major milestone points for me) were stalling while my bench and press both went up.