Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The longer-term plan

Ok, sorted this out in my head.

Today I'm sledding; I'll go for 10 trips with 180lbs.

I'm switching to Texas Method on Monday; not interested in the SSB and TB idea anymore because of the number of limiting/delaying factors involved. I'll be sledding today and either Friday or Saturday (probably Saturday and going for 10 trips with 4 plates). I'll probably spend some time in the gym every day including today just to work on shoulder rehab; not lifting tomorrow, as Deads were what hurt my shoulder in the first place (first time that's ever happened, actually) and I'm floor pressing on Monday.

I'll assume a starting 5RM of 330.
Bench and Press will be alternated each day as normal until both stall, at which point they'll change to the typical template. Bench is bench specifically - I'm going to keep going on Floor Press until that stalls out and switch back to Bench from there.

General plan for the start:

Monday - Volume Day
Squat 5x5 @ 90% of previous Friday (ramping from 80 to 90 for the first month). Will make use of my 1.25lb plates here.
DB Row 3x5ea

Tuesday - Conditioning
Sled work until I can get some more plates and better screw clamps, then probably Farmer's Walk.

Wednesday - Light Day
Squat 2x5 @ 75% of Monday's weight
Pull-Ups 3x5

Thursday - Off

Friday - Intensity Day
Squat 1x5 @ PR
Deadlift 1x5 @ PR

Saturday - Conditioning
Sled Work, done in the morning.

Sunday - Off

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