Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2011-07-06 Squat and some Program Thoughts

Still very sure the problem is psychological, but at this point I think it'd be better to pull a Bench and switch to something harder at ~30% lower and just work up from there. I'm thinking Box Squat, though if I can work stuff out with the staff I may go for the SSB (starting with 225) and cycle out Deads to a deficit TBL. Probably use SSB Box Squats if that happens.

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275
335lbs - 2, 3, 2, 2, 3 (might be getting these in the wrong order, but it was 2x3s and 3x2s)
With some mental forcing I can make myself do another rep after it gets hard, and with some mental cuing I can get myself through that rep (as evidenced by the last triple - I'd've gone for a 4th on set 2, but my knees buckled forward on the 3rd). However, it's gotten to the stage that I'm afraid to fail and thus afraid to push myself, and as much as the Jon who isn't squatting says it's doable, the Jon who is disagrees enough to put it back in the rack.
If I can't do SSB stuff it'll actually probably be Front Squats, possibly with the a Harness...or maybe I'll just do the sensible thing and buy some straps to do the thing that (iirc) BC keeps telling me to do.

Press: 45, 95
150lbs - 5, 2, 3
After the first set I got some weird pain in my left trap and was afraid to push it much further.
...which is a pity, 'cuz I could totally have done 3x5 with this. I love how my Bench and Press are both rocketing up on this while my Dead KINDA stalls and my Squats give me quadphobia.

BW - 3, 3, 3
Tired and wanted to leave. And trap hurt. Good lat engagement on set 1, though.

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