Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011-07-27 Intensity

Warmup - As usual

Squat: 45x2, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, [295, 315]
330lbs - 5
Not easy but not hard. Knowing that I've just got to get 5 reps and it's over helps.
Brackets = fewer reps and longer rests.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135, 185
235lbs - 4 (5 wtf), 4 (5F), 3
WTF is clarified below.

Deadlift: 225, 315
385lbs - 4
365lbs - 1 (shortly afterward to get it back in the rack)
Resetting these or reducing the reps or something...not sure. I'm mostly just not used to the sensation in my back.

RE: the WTF
Got Rachel to give me a lift on the first set. 5th rep slowed down a lot midway but I still basically had it, so when she moved in (breaking spotter etiquette) I said "don't take it" which she heard as "take it" and grabbed it. Then I said "No!" or something and that flustered her, so she pulled it back and it got caught under the hooks. Then I probably said something else, or something, but either way she let go of it and I had to basically get it halfway down and then throw it off towards my hips, which pissed me off and prompted a loud yell.
So uh

...that happened.

Fortunately I'm used to her going into really depressive moods and shit due to her mild bipolar disorder and whatnot, so it was pretty easy to avoid that going anywhere terrible, but urgh.

Also fortunately the RSF guy who usually spots me was in, and pretty receptive to my giving him the extra instruction of "Don't even move unless I say to grab it...then grab it immediately and get into the rack ASAP."

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