Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012-01-12 Bench 3s

Warmup - Rolling, Diesel

CG Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95
3x 140, 160
Still can't lock that shoulder down.
Chins after every set. Mostly 2s, 1s towards the end, and a 3 in there that I should have done earlier.

10, 10, 5 (6F), 5, 4
And chins after every set. Between these and the bench chins I got a total of 20 reps in. The ones on these were mostly singles.

BS Inverted Rows:
6, 6, 5, 4, 4
Last rep of each set was probably only to 90 degrees of elbow flexion. Working on it.

Incline T Holds: 2.5lbs, 5 seconds, 5 reps per set, 2 sets
Prone Internal Rotation: 3-second holds; 5x5lbs, 10x2.5lbs
Need to start doing these with the 5s. Amazing how much weaker you can get in this time.

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