Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012-01-03 Bench 5s

Warmup (just rolling and the Dieselcrew warmup - did the Diesel with 5lbs and held everything for 5 seconds)

Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 145, 165
Alternated with Chins, which were done as singles (and a couple of doubles) because I'm weak.
Switched to CG Bench (...pinkies on rings) for 5/3/1. Realized after the first 165 set that 225 was probably my actual 1RM and not my fake 1RM, so I set the fake 1RM to 200 and just repeated the 165. Need to get back on creatine.

Blast Strap Push-Ups: 5
Elevated feet: 4 (5f), 3, 2, 1 (2F)
...yeah, gonna try doing regular push-ups next week due to the apparently nonzero chance that I won't actually be able to get 5x10. I mean, I know I'm only resting for 1 minute between sets, but fucking STILL.

Blast Strap Inverted Rows:
5, 4, 5, 5, 5
Can't say anything about the ROM here.

DB Retractions: 2x10, 7.5lbs (3 second holds)
PU Retractions: 2x10

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