Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012-1-14 Press 531

Warmup - Rolling, Diesel with 5sec holds and 2.5lb DBs

Press: 45, 65, 85, 100
5x 115
3x 120
6x 125
Need to remember to bring the 1.25lb plates this time
Accumulated 20 total reps of chinning volume in this time; 6 3s and a 2 at the end. The system works!

6, 5, 5, 4, 3 (4F)
Wanted to beat last week on total reps as well as rep distribution
Next time I'll go for 5x5. I suspect that'll lead to me going for 5xN before I allow myself to go for N+1 on the first set in future (i.e. I'll do that if it's successful over the next few weeks, and I'm pretty sure it'll be successful).
Any advice on that is welcome.

Was going to do 5x1, held the last one at the bottom for a bit and got an unpleasant sensation in my right lat and shoulder. Rested two minutes and did another one, partly to "lubricate" my shoulder and partly to see if I'd done any immediately obvious damage. Seemed fine.

Prone DB Retractions - 2x10, 20lb, 5 second hold
Prone Internal Rotation - 2x5, 5lb, 5 second hold + 2.5lb, 5 second hold

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