Saturday, May 19, 2012

Log - 5/19/2012

Squatting with Saarni. That was fun.

Warmup - Experimenting with very close foot placement on GHRs. The effect is very noticeable.

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225, 275, 315
5x5 - 230lbs
315 was a grinder, probably because of the five second pause at the bottom. I'm guessing that I'll stop increasing the single weight after I move it to 365, but I don't really know yet.
I'm gradually refining my form and re-learning my unrack. Today's insight is that initiating the rep by pushing my hips back is fucking stupid and I should never do it ever again.*
*It results in my hips shooting up out of the hole and forcing me into a GM, even with the relatively vertical torso position.

Bench: 45, 95; 135, 185
5x5 - 135lbs
The 185 single was terrible, but everything else was fairly good. I suspect the problem is a combination of having forgotten how to bench 185 and not getting a liftoff (meaning an atrocious self-unrack), but whatever.

Chins: 1 before every work set and after squats, and then
2, 2, 2, 2, 1

FatGripz Rack Pull:
10ct - 135, 145, 145, 135, 135
These are a lot harder than the old-fashioned towel deads.

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