Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Log - 5/9/2012

Fairly successful, though training with friends results in increased rest times. I know you're reading this. Yes, you.

I need to figure out some better ab work; the pilates movements I'm doing right now are getting far too easy. I think I'll try rollouts again on Friday.

Squat - 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 295x1 (5-second pause)
5x5 - 220lbs
Held the final rep for roughly ten seconds at the bottom. The ascent was...slow, to say the least. My position collapsed in the hole and gave me some mild low lumbar complaints, but that should be easily preventable in future.

Press: 45x5
5x5 - 100lbs
Side-to-side imbalances on these, probably because I've spent a great deal of time over the last few days writing and did a lot of scapular stabilization work at PT this morning. These were made harder still by the many sets of push-ups I did Monday night and early yesterday morning; I'm fairly sure that I shouldn't read into the difficulty I had in actually doing the reps.

BS Chin Holds:
Again, slipping from the top. I'll see how these go on Friday; if they don't display noticeable signs of improvement I'll start doing reps on the straight bar.

"Fat Bar" Rack Pull Holds:
10ct - 185, 185, 195, 195, 205
Wrapped a towel around the bar. Bolton's article on the subject suggests that this should be harder than the fatgripz, but I'm guessing he was wrapping more towels. Certainly harder, though.

As noted above, I need to find some new stuff for this.

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