Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Log - 7/31/2012

Deadlifted two days ago; got 1 set of 5 at 320 and then 2 sets of 3+2, then called it a day. Low back is still sore. I credit this to not eating enough on Saturday and don't plan to repeat that mistake. I'm also going to see if I can continue losing weight with three high-carb days per week; this time I'm just experimenting because I have to wake up early tomorrow and don't have time to cook (forgot to put ribs in before I left for the gym), but if I'm still weighing in lower I'll switch over now rather than in a few weeks. Also worth noting that with that level of carb intake I can reasonably do some conditioning on my off-days. Probably switching training to Sat-Mon-Wed so I can avoid the "late training, early PT" thing. Also going to email Allen about extra PT for my leg and some maintenance on my neck, since the ulnar nerve thing is acting up.

Warmup - Abbreviated. Wrist hurts on overhead squats (lateral pain on right side). Weird that it's 1-sided. Will investigate.

Squat - 95, 135, 185, 225
270lbs - 5x5
Did more of a breathing squats approach here; very methodical, as I've previously tried to be with good results. Some sets ended questionably, but the last one was pretty good. Getting a heavier GM effect here; have to keep reminding myself about all the tight back cues.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
165lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (5F)
One of the earlier sets (I think #3) had me hit the foam roller on the first rep. I won't credit that with the final failure but it certainly didn't help. 4 on the last set is enough to go up, though, so whatever.

Chins -
Didn't tally up the chins from today but most of the sets were 3 so I assume I hit at least 45 total.

FG Rack Pulls:
130lbs - 5x5
Reasonable holds here. I called it a day after the terrible deads on Sunday so this is a little out of whack, but I can probably fix it (particularly with the schedule change).

Front Squat Holds:
305lbs - 5x15ct
Easy as fuck.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Log - 7/26/2012

Trained with Eric today and wound up teaching some people to bench, so this took way longer than it should have. Kept a good rate on the squats, though.

Warmup - As usual

Overhead Squat - 45, 65
Just working on these as part of the warmup. Not sure if I'll note them again, but I figure they're a decent alternative to the lower-weight squat warmups (same motion but less forgiving, especially given that 45 feels like air).

Squat - 95, 135, 185, 225
265lbs - 5x5
My hip was acting up today but didn't complain much over these.
My IT band/quad, on the other hand, was still pretty bad. I'm going to schedule an appointment with Roghair to get it looked at in detail. Taking a slightly closer stance seemed to help.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
162.5lbs - 5x5
Longer rests. Harder, but fuck it, I don't plan to squat 315x5x5 by pussying out when it gets hard and the same applies here.
Need to work on keeping my ass down; wide stance. It's funny how my technique always runs back to that one thing (among lots of others, but I remember that one specifically from past meets etc.).

Chins - A few, with some during the squats and bench

FG Rack Pulls:
45, 80, 100, 120, 140 x5
I'm thinking I'll do the rack pulls exclusively with the TM and not the holds. See how it goes week to week.

Front Squat Holds:
295lbs - 3x15ct
Working back up from here

EDIT: Weight loss update
I'm currently sitting steadily at about 170. I dropped down closer to 165 last week but have gained back up from there, and intend to reverse that.
Major changes right now are that I'm probably going back to a more APD-style approach and eating a small lunch and a huge dinner rather than a huge breakfast and a small lunch. I'm probably going to reduce the meal sizes slightly as well.
The other big thing is that I'm no longer allowing myself gelato as a post-training meal.
We'll see how far those two get me. Failing all else, I may wind up adding sled work back in on the weekends and adjusting my training schedule to facilitate that.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Log - 7/24/2012

Training alone, late in the evening, on at most 1500 calories, after two days with less than 8 hours of sleep each. Funny the circumstances under which you can hit PRs without seriously aggravating week-old injuries.

Warmup - The usual. Removed the hamstring stretch (stretching at home) and started doing some active release-esque stuff on the lower IT band (see the IT Band Hell episode of MWOD).

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225, 275
315lbs - 5x5
Easy as shit.
Well, the last set may have had some slow moments, but still. It's funny that this style of programming seems to work insanely well for my deadlift, though I guess we'll have to monitor my meet performance before drawing any really strong conclusions. Still, 365 for 5x5 looks very doable and predicts an all-time deadlift PR (grip allowing).

Press - 45, 80
115lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (5F)
Probably could have had a full 5x5 but I got a bit carried away going into the 5th set and fucked it up. Still advancing.
Haven't decided if I'll do 117.5 or 120 next time. I'm guessing 117.5, given my past success with microloading.

Chins - 4, 4, 3, 2, 2
...I didn't do any of these throughout the rest of the workout. I'll start that up again on Thursday.

FG Rack Pull Holds:
5x10s - 100lbs
Just realized I was only supposed to do 2 of these. Oh dear.

5x5ea for 5ct

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Log - 7/17/2012

Warmup - As usual, plus overhead squat at 65lbs

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185, 225
260lbs - 5x3
IT Band pain is back again in full force. Also strained something in my left hip on the final rep of the final set; I'm guessing I'm favoring one side over the other and the forward lean is killing things. Driving my knees out on deads may also be contributing to this. Rest, ice, the whole party. Also need to talk to Allen about an extra PT session each week to address these sorts of things.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
155lbs - 5x3
Easy. I think the break did me good.
Now aiming for 185x5x5 rather than 225, since that'll still have me tying and possibly beating my meet PR but at 30-35lbs lower bodyweight. 225x5x5 sounds like more of a spring thing.

FatGripz Rack Pull Holds:
125lbs - 5x10s

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Log - 7/15/2012

Warmup - Usual

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225, 275 (2x double overhand, then 3x mixed)
310lbs - 5x5
Working on lat tightness. I'd like to get video here to see if my back is too horizontal at the start of the first rep - I'm not sure if I'm setting up properly.
Pulled a muscle in my back. Brian says it's probably my teres minor. Argh.

Press - 45, 80
115lbs - 5, 5, 5, 4, 4 (5F)
I think I could have had a 5th on the 4th set if some dick hadn't come over and started doing chins in the middle of the set. Whatever, I'm probably just rationalizing. I'll get it next time.
Not doing chins here helped; I may make that the standard policy and just do my chins outside of the main workouts. Two-a-days, anyone?

Chins - Total of like 25. This wasn't a good day.

FG Rack Pulls -
5x 135, 145, 155, 150, 150
Seems 150 is my 5RM. Texas Method approach starts next week, albeit with holds (based on 145) instead of these. Or maybe I'll do the 5-rep for all of it at the start and see how it goes.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Log - 7/13/2012

Warmup - Usual
The GHRs are getting a lot easier. Might have to start adding weight, or doing them as an accessory again.

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225 (4)
260lbs - 5x5
Started cuing myself based on a recent Jason Pegg video - thinking of the set as a series of singles and doubles rather than a continuous block of 5. Concretely shifting over to this seems to help.
My knees are coming in more. This disturbs me. I'm also falling forward a lot more, though past experience tells me this is a cuing issue.

Floor Press - 45, 95
120lbs - 5x5
Working on keeping my right shoulder blade locked down for these. This actually seems to suffer with the "Push yourself away from the bar" trick; not sure why.
I pause these for a three count, if anyone's wondering why the weights are so low. I mean, I also started low and suck at benching right now, but this is probably lower than most would expect.

Totaled to 50 again, though this time I only got to 45 with the main workout. Got 6 going into the first set of squats. I'll be picking up one of those magical "doesn't screw in but still stays in place" bars from Brian soon so I can do these at home. Ideally I'd like to hit 50 per day.

5 sets of 5 reps each side with 5 count
We'll just call this 5x5x5s
Thinking I'll start doing these on deadlift days and do both these and the heavy supports. I figure I need more ab work.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Log - 7/11/2012


Deadlift - 135, 185, 225; 275 (had to split this up a bit)
305lbs - 5x5
Keeping my lats very actively engaged makes a huge difference here for both bar path (and therefore the ease of the movement) and how my shoulders feel at lockout. I need to emphasize this.

Press - 45, 80
115lbs - 5, 5, 4, 4, 3
Not what I would have liked, but at least I don't appear to have regressed. I'll get this next time. May consider going up in 5lb increments in future, given how long it takes me to get the full reps anyway.

Chins: Totaled to 48 with the normal method, then did two extra at the end just so I could hit 50.

Rack Pulls: 135, 225
10s - 275, 295, 315, 335, 315
Calling 335 my ten-second max. Let's see if the FatGripz actually do drive this up.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Log - 7/8/2012


Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225
255lbs - 5x5
The thigh pain only comes up when my knees cave; this time I focused harder on preventing that from happening, and it worked out rather well.

Floor Press - 45, 95
115lbs - 5x5
Low and slow.

Chins - Totaled somewhere in the 40 zone for the entire workout
Pilates - Going back to these because it felt like core strength was limiting my squats. Turns out I lost the effect.

I'm switching my carb intake to backloading (i.e. high-carb days only become high-carb AFTER training; prior to that it's the usual drill). I'm sticking with two high-carb days per week rather than 3 for the time being, though.
Considering adding an evening meal.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Log - 7/3/2012

Today, on the other hand, was fucking awesome.

Light warmup

Deadlift - 135, 185, 225; 275; 335
300lbs - 5x5
Know that I've had a decent lesson in strap use, these were a lot easier. I'm still not convinced I'm holding a good back position, but I'm not too worried. I also started working on the same "footwork" I use in a squat - rotate outwards, spread the floor, and knees out. This made a huge difference and let me keep the bar closer to my body, and as an added bonus scraped off all of my deadlifting scabs on both thighs. Had some issues with my right shoulder feeling like it was being tractioned out slightly, but I doubt that was actually what was going on (i.e. fairly sure it's an issue of muscular weakness/tightness/whatever).
Hit 18 chins here.

Press: 45, 80
115 - 5, 5, 5, 3, 4
Lost my mental focus on set 4. Sort of regained it on the 5th, but wound up deciding to cut the set short because "I'm repeating the weight anyway."
Not as many chins here; I think it was 13.

Chins: 2, 2, 2
Shrugs: 45, 135, 225, 275 all for 5
High Rack Pulls: 315, 335 (holds)
Strapped Shrugs: 1x5 with 335, then a couple of reps with 335

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Log - 7/1/2012

Well, that was unsuccessful.

Warmup. Switched to single-side glute bridges.

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225; 280
250lbs - 5x5
Got through the first set fine, but the later ones had the IT pain come back. I "solved" this by reracking the bar when it got too worrying and rolling out the lower end of my thigh, then unracking to finish the set. I think I had to put it back twice for the last one (I believe it went 1+2+2). I was extremely pissed for the last two reps and, strangely enough, went through both without any pain at all.

Bench: 45, 95; 135; 180
160lbs - 1x5
Had to do TnG.

Dips: 3x5

Floor Press: 1x5x135lbs

Torn between TnG bench and Floor Press.