Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Log - 7/31/2012

Deadlifted two days ago; got 1 set of 5 at 320 and then 2 sets of 3+2, then called it a day. Low back is still sore. I credit this to not eating enough on Saturday and don't plan to repeat that mistake. I'm also going to see if I can continue losing weight with three high-carb days per week; this time I'm just experimenting because I have to wake up early tomorrow and don't have time to cook (forgot to put ribs in before I left for the gym), but if I'm still weighing in lower I'll switch over now rather than in a few weeks. Also worth noting that with that level of carb intake I can reasonably do some conditioning on my off-days. Probably switching training to Sat-Mon-Wed so I can avoid the "late training, early PT" thing. Also going to email Allen about extra PT for my leg and some maintenance on my neck, since the ulnar nerve thing is acting up.

Warmup - Abbreviated. Wrist hurts on overhead squats (lateral pain on right side). Weird that it's 1-sided. Will investigate.

Squat - 95, 135, 185, 225
270lbs - 5x5
Did more of a breathing squats approach here; very methodical, as I've previously tried to be with good results. Some sets ended questionably, but the last one was pretty good. Getting a heavier GM effect here; have to keep reminding myself about all the tight back cues.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
165lbs - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (5F)
One of the earlier sets (I think #3) had me hit the foam roller on the first rep. I won't credit that with the final failure but it certainly didn't help. 4 on the last set is enough to go up, though, so whatever.

Chins -
Didn't tally up the chins from today but most of the sets were 3 so I assume I hit at least 45 total.

FG Rack Pulls:
130lbs - 5x5
Reasonable holds here. I called it a day after the terrible deads on Sunday so this is a little out of whack, but I can probably fix it (particularly with the schedule change).

Front Squat Holds:
305lbs - 5x15ct
Easy as fuck.

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