Friday, July 13, 2012

Log - 7/13/2012

Warmup - Usual
The GHRs are getting a lot easier. Might have to start adding weight, or doing them as an accessory again.

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185; 225 (4)
260lbs - 5x5
Started cuing myself based on a recent Jason Pegg video - thinking of the set as a series of singles and doubles rather than a continuous block of 5. Concretely shifting over to this seems to help.
My knees are coming in more. This disturbs me. I'm also falling forward a lot more, though past experience tells me this is a cuing issue.

Floor Press - 45, 95
120lbs - 5x5
Working on keeping my right shoulder blade locked down for these. This actually seems to suffer with the "Push yourself away from the bar" trick; not sure why.
I pause these for a three count, if anyone's wondering why the weights are so low. I mean, I also started low and suck at benching right now, but this is probably lower than most would expect.

Totaled to 50 again, though this time I only got to 45 with the main workout. Got 6 going into the first set of squats. I'll be picking up one of those magical "doesn't screw in but still stays in place" bars from Brian soon so I can do these at home. Ideally I'd like to hit 50 per day.

5 sets of 5 reps each side with 5 count
We'll just call this 5x5x5s
Thinking I'll start doing these on deadlift days and do both these and the heavy supports. I figure I need more ab work.

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