Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Log - 7/17/2012

Warmup - As usual, plus overhead squat at 65lbs

Squat - 45, 95, 135, 185, 225
260lbs - 5x3
IT Band pain is back again in full force. Also strained something in my left hip on the final rep of the final set; I'm guessing I'm favoring one side over the other and the forward lean is killing things. Driving my knees out on deads may also be contributing to this. Rest, ice, the whole party. Also need to talk to Allen about an extra PT session each week to address these sorts of things.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
155lbs - 5x3
Easy. I think the break did me good.
Now aiming for 185x5x5 rather than 225, since that'll still have me tying and possibly beating my meet PR but at 30-35lbs lower bodyweight. 225x5x5 sounds like more of a spring thing.

FatGripz Rack Pull Holds:
125lbs - 5x10s

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