Thursday, July 26, 2012

Log - 7/26/2012

Trained with Eric today and wound up teaching some people to bench, so this took way longer than it should have. Kept a good rate on the squats, though.

Warmup - As usual

Overhead Squat - 45, 65
Just working on these as part of the warmup. Not sure if I'll note them again, but I figure they're a decent alternative to the lower-weight squat warmups (same motion but less forgiving, especially given that 45 feels like air).

Squat - 95, 135, 185, 225
265lbs - 5x5
My hip was acting up today but didn't complain much over these.
My IT band/quad, on the other hand, was still pretty bad. I'm going to schedule an appointment with Roghair to get it looked at in detail. Taking a slightly closer stance seemed to help.

Bench - 45, 95; 135
162.5lbs - 5x5
Longer rests. Harder, but fuck it, I don't plan to squat 315x5x5 by pussying out when it gets hard and the same applies here.
Need to work on keeping my ass down; wide stance. It's funny how my technique always runs back to that one thing (among lots of others, but I remember that one specifically from past meets etc.).

Chins - A few, with some during the squats and bench

FG Rack Pulls:
45, 80, 100, 120, 140 x5
I'm thinking I'll do the rack pulls exclusively with the TM and not the holds. See how it goes week to week.

Front Squat Holds:
295lbs - 3x15ct
Working back up from here

EDIT: Weight loss update
I'm currently sitting steadily at about 170. I dropped down closer to 165 last week but have gained back up from there, and intend to reverse that.
Major changes right now are that I'm probably going back to a more APD-style approach and eating a small lunch and a huge dinner rather than a huge breakfast and a small lunch. I'm probably going to reduce the meal sizes slightly as well.
The other big thing is that I'm no longer allowing myself gelato as a post-training meal.
We'll see how far those two get me. Failing all else, I may wind up adding sled work back in on the weekends and adjusting my training schedule to facilitate that.

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